Author: John Norwood

John Norwood is best known as a technology journalist, currently at Ziddu where he focuses on tech startups, companies, and products.

Australia is known for its heat and if you’re cringing every time you put on the air conditioning unit because you hate using too much electricity, you’ve landed on the right page. For summer you will need ways to cool down the inside of your house, and we can help get you sorted. Thanks to innovative ideas as well as modern technology, your options for cooling down a home’s interior are extensive. You can use anything from your bed sheets to light bulbs to skylights Sydney! There’s no reason to increase your carbon footprint any longer and you can look…

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There will always be people looking for new homes or a company looking for prime retail space, so starting a construction company in Melbourne is a smart career option. Be part of the right development projects and you’ll have a regular income stream, even in challenging economic times. But how do you go from finding your first excavator for sale Melbourne vendors can offer you to earning the big bucks? Good career choices still require meticulous planning, so use our guideline to help you build your dream job. Do Some Research Even a popular industry won’t help you make money…

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How does property affect your Melbourne business? Do you manage commercial properties like apartment buildings or offices? Perhaps you own the premises you run your business from. In all these scenarios, never forget the importance of meticulous maintenance of one of your most valuable assets. A main priority with property management should be looking after your plumbing system. This is why you need to update your speed dial list and add commercial plumbers Melbourne companies trust with their leaky pipes or other challenges. Also, you need a proper maintenance plan and we’ll share our checklist so you can plan more…

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The outside world can be a dangerous place for felines. Therefore, it’s no surprise that many cat owners choose to keep their cats inside most of the time. While your kitty might want to run free, keeping them indoors will allow them to live a healthier and longer life. Plus, you’ll save thousands of dollars on vet bills to come! Even so, one downfall to keeping your cat inside is the need for a litter box. Without access to an outside space, your feline will have to do their business indoors. Litter boxes are undoubtedly awful to maintain (we know).…

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A Gantt chart is basically a type of bar chart which shows and exemplifies a project schedule. It is a kind of a her monogram. It provided a typical view of the tasks which are scheduled over time span. The primary purpose of a Gantt chart is for planning projects of all sizes. There are so many advantages of a Gantt chart as it is also a way of showing the schedule of work to be done on a specific day. Uses With the help of a Gantt chart, you can easily access and see the: Start date of the…

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Most of us are well aware that mechanical ventilation and heat recovery (MVHR) systems can save energy and reduce heating expenses, but a lesser-known advantage of these installations is that they can also have positive impacts on resident health. There are both short-term and long-term health benefits with MVHR systems, which we will explain next. Humidity Control for Reduced Joint Pain Humidity has a more direct impact on our health and wellbeing than we realize. For example, arthritic conditions are usually aggravated when there’s high humidity in the air, but a MVHR system actively prevents that from happening. Proper humidity…

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Heat recovery ventilation systems allow you to reduce the strain on your heating system by using air exchangers. The air exchanger mixes hot air coming from inside with cold air being pulled in. This way, you can use air that was already tempered instead of letting it escape your building. While this is a great way to save money, it also has many benefits business owners should consider. Here are a few of them. Reduces Your Energy Consumption The first and most obvious benefit of MVHR systems for businesses is energy savings. It has been estimated that you can save…

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Online modeling, even the non-adult one, is one of the most misunderstood industries in the world. When they hear about it, most people think it’s illegal and it certainly must have something to do with sex or engaging in sexual activities. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Working in a cam studio is a 100% legal activity, that will bring you high earnings without any previous experience and, if done in a non-adult studio, you won’t have to get undressed. All you have to do is talk to your members and convince them to spend as much time…

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In the old days, coupons were usually found on magazines, newspapers and hand-outs. Today, online coupons are a savvy shopper’s best friend if you know where to look. Here are 4 ways to get the best coupons online. Official Sources A big-enough brand or business will usually have its own website, and it’s one of the first places you should look when you want a coupon. Whether for food, electronic goods or clothing, there’s a good chance that there’s a code in their site banner or as you browse through. Coupon Companies There’s all kinds of things on the internet…

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