Author: John Norwood

John Norwood is best known as a technology journalist, currently at Ziddu where he focuses on tech startups, companies, and products.

If your home is equipped with the Alexa virtual assistant’s smart speaker, it means you are vulnerable to loopholes. It’s prone to hacker attacks because Echo is an IoT system. There are many streaming services for music that may or may not be available in your area. Therefore, you will have to mount a VPN on your router if you want to tap into a fantastic music library. To run a geo-restricted channel like Pandora, Amazon Echo must be connected to a Wi-Fi provider with a current VPN link. If you do come to that, the same criteria fit for…

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It should come as no surprise that we can now buy almost anything on the internet, including prescription sunglasses. You may find the concept strange, as prescription glasses often require strict specifications, and the eyewear itself has many designs, colors and frame type to name a few. However, you stand to gain these benefits when shopping for prescription glasses online. Tremendous Amount of Selection Online shopping is convenient not just because you can browse through products in the comfort of your own home but also get to see what options are available. It certainly beats having to commute and visit…

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Today’s smartwatches are inherently customizable both in hardware and software aspects. It’s understandable to want to change its look depending on what you want. Thankfully, there are more than enough options for most branded smartwatches, specifically the Google wearOS devices. Hardware Side The smartwatch you buy may already be in your favorite color but you can take things to the next level with a few modifications. For one, the watch band, or the strap that attaches the smartwatch to your wrist can be swapped out for another. The design and material options are astounding- you can get a Milanese Loop…

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Everyone loves a good pasta. You have fresh tomato spaghetti, creamy fettuccini, cheesy mac & cheese combos, classic garlicky Agilo e Olio, and so many more varieties. While it is a part of Italian cuisine, many other cuisines have developed the traditional pasta to their own tastes and have created wonders. Have you ever wondered why so many different shapes of pasta exist? Or did you just put the thought aside as mere creativity of the producers? As it turns out, explains Ido Fishman, the different shapes of pasta are designed to hold different sauces. There are many sauces for…

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In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, stay-at-home orders saw us venturing out of our houses rarely, if ever. Months later, much of our normal economic activity has resumed. If we’re honest, we probably mask up and head to the store about as often as in the old days. Unfortunately, that nonchalance poses a danger. Covid-19 case counts are climbing again, reaching record levels in some states and nationwide. With colder weather sending us back indoors, it’s time to renew our vigilance. Luckily, we have the internet on our side. Before you go looking for your car keys, grab…

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What do mayonnaise, high school reunions, and napkins have in common? They’ve all been “killed” by Millennials, the cohort born between 1980 and the new millennium.The latest victim of young Americans’ changing consumption habits? Brick-and-mortar banking. Rather than set foot in a traditional bank, they’re taking their financial lives online.While it’s easy to laugh, it’s better to understand why Millennials are going against the grain. The deeper you look, the more you’ll see there are sensible reasons why Millennials are ditching traditional banking. These eight factors are driving Millennials toward online banking: 1. Lack of Transportation As a group, Millennials…

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Would you believe it if you heard that the first electric vehicle appeared in the mid-19th century? Neither would we, but as sources say, the first-ever electric vehicle was made around the 1830s and there are a few names that come up when it comes to the first electric vehicle. Some sources say that the first electric vehicle was the invention of Anyos Jedlik in 1828, even though Robert Anderson and Sibrandus Stratingh are mentioned as the inventors of the first electric vehicle. Just a few years later, in 1837, the electric locomotive was invented by a man named Robert…

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The Vaporwave subculture has seen various music, artists and cultures come together to form a cohesive whole. VaporWave Culture Vaporwave is arguably a culmination of efforts of many artists but there are notable figures that make it what it is today. Massachusetts native Daniel Lopatin is considered one of the founders of the movement. The subculture began when people wanted to produce aesthetics based on 90s and 80s subculture, glitch art, consumerism and a sarcastic perspective on pop. Ecco Jams is one of the most popular creation of Lopatin. The album had 80s hits that have been chopped and slowed…

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Small businesses and entrepreneurs often hesitate when it comes to hiring a graphic designer to do their logo, website or concept but there’s never a better time to do so than now. With brand image becoming more and more impactful, here are four reasons why you should leave the work to the professionals. Outstanding Results Design is now more important than ever. Today’s consumers are all about the visual impact a website, logo or a product can bring to the table. With so many competition it’s absolutely vital to make a good first impression. When hiring a graphic designer you…

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