Author: John Norwood

John Norwood is best known as a technology journalist, currently at Ziddu where he focuses on tech startups, companies, and products.

Dental laminates, porcelain veneers, or veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials to shield the front of your teeth to improve their overall aesthetic. These tooth-colored shells are bonded to the front of your teeth to change their color, fix their shape, and increase or reduce their size and length. It is best to have this cosmetic enhancement handled by an expert dentist like Dentakay Dental Clinic for a more satisfying result. If your teeth are stained or misshapen, you may need dental veneers worn mainly by actors, celebrities, models, and musicians. It gives your teeth a shiny, white…

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Have a night wedding party to attend and unsure of how to dress up? We’re here to solve your doubts and help you look the best, well apart from the bride of course. So let us start with the basic and most essential tips on how to dress up for a night wedding party in London. i. Avoid white at all costs This is possibly the most important tip. You may have a beautiful white dress, perfect for a night party, but please avoid it. Keep white exclusively for the bride. Wearing white to a wedding party is a strict…

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When travelling, the camera bag can go a long way toward keeping your equipment secure and well-organised. They are a necessary component of your camera gear. No matter where you travel, carrying your equipment trustfully can help you explore new creative avenues and take more photos. It makes a notable difference to a dedicated backpack to store and carry your equipment whether travelling by plane, taking a road trip, or simply spending the day touring your city. They can help you stay organised and spare you some hassles while you’re away from home. They also protect your pricey equipment from…

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These days, living consciously and sustainably has become something to aspire for. Normalizing natural cleaning products is the new norm as they are beneficial for the environment as well as human beings, not to mention they save a buck or two and are just as effective at cleaning your home. Using eco-friendly products is a must and here are some products you can switch to after getting rid of the chemical cleaners in your house. 1. Eco-Friendly Floor Cleaners Because we wash our floors every day, using natural floor cleaners is a great alternative to chemical cleaners, which will end…

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When placing a bet on 먹튀폴리스 Sports Toto, you need to be extra careful. It is important to ensure that you are using a safe site, and the history of the site should be checked out. This will ensure that you are placing your bet on a legitimate site and increasing your profits. Mt-Police If you are new to Toto betting and are looking for a trustworthy site, you should check out Muktupolis Sports Toto. This site is devoted to providing good conditions to its members. This means you can rest assured that every transaction is secure and honest. This…

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Doing any kind of business over the internet has long carried with it the danger of various kinds of scams. If you money is to change hands, the pair taking it from you could very well belong to a con-artist of some kind. Recently, the regulatory body of the United Kingdom, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has taken decisive action against some of these fraudsters and came out with ten new warnings against different companies. Here are the details on these firms, summed up based on the specific kind of scam they are running: Unlicensed Forex brokers and clone firms …

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If you are looking for a way to cheat at online poker, read this article. You will learn about the methods and tricks used by cheaters, and you will learn how to protect yourself if you are cheated. Cheating is a very common practice, and there are many ways to do it. Tricks to cheating at online poker There are several different methods of cheating at online poker. Some people attempt to ghost other players, while others collude with other players to make huge financial gains. Ghosting is an example of this method and occurs when a good player takes…

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According to the TIOBE index, Python is the number one programming language as of August 2022. In many ways, its prevalence is explained by the fact that almost any app can be written in it, from simple web platforms to complex machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions. Python allowed people to discover such excellent platforms as Instagram, Netflix, and Spotify. Let’s talk about seven interesting Python apps that every user should know about. Vega Strike interactive game Python is actively used in the development of interactive games. The internal scripts of the space combat simulator Vega Strike are written in…

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Your website is the forehead of your business, regardless of its type. Nowadays, people’s initial judgment about a business reputation pretty much depends on how impressive the business website is. Thus, having an impressive website is necessary for all businesses of any type these days. Now, we would like to talk about how to build an impressive corporate website. Corporate website categorizes under informational website category. Informational website is about providing comprehensive information to relevant audiences about the available products and services to be supplied through the website owner. However, the actual purchasing transaction accomplishes offline, due to the nature…

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